Thursday, December 3, 2009

South Australia: Would tourists come to Port Adelaide if it looked like the Gold Coast?

It is heart breaking at what is happening at The Port. Time for the residents to stand up to the Government and Councils before it dematerialises. If Charles Sturt residents can put up a convincing argument re St. Clair Land Swap then I say..go for it Port Adelaideians..before it is too late.

South Australia: Would tourists come to Port Adelaide if it looked like the Gold Coast?

Make perfect plum puddings, a life how to. -

Like me..not organised enough to have made your Christmas Pud weeks ago..try this as an alternative. I so wanted to make a traditional pudding this year, but we melted through a catastrophic heatwave that put an end to that idea. My heart was in it..but my head said "no". I have never made a pudding and I would love to set up a tradition to make one for my teenage son before he manifests into an adult and has 'Left The House'.

Also love the idea of making little ones for friends and family. Another one of those 'Have ALWAYS wanted to do..but Never Got Around To It. Finding time to do this should surely be a priority over wasting time on other less important matters. I am sure one would feel wonderful having accomplished this sweet ritual.

Make perfect plum puddings, a life how to. -